Privacy Policy

In accordance with current data protection regulations, below you will find all relevant information about how we handle the personal data you share with us.



PERSEPOLIS INVESTMENTS S.L., with registered office at Calle Sagasta, 12, planta 6, puerta izq, C.P. 28004, Madrid, duly registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, with tax identification number N.I.F A87111332, with e-mail



PERSEPOLIS INVESTMENTS S.L.manages the Data Protection function, with e-mail



We will process your personal data for the following purposes:
Processing of customer and potential customer data:
(i) to make you the offer or provide you with the services related to the purchase, sale of products such as real estate and their subsequent purchase procedures; (ii) to attend any request you may make to us; (iii) to ensure our commercial activity, (iv) to guarantee the satisfaction of our customers, (v) to send you relevant information about our real estate offer, (vi) to measure the effectiveness of our advertising actions, (vii) to carry out satisfaction surveys or (viii) to investigate fraud or to protect our operations and users (ix) prevention of money laundering (x) to send commercial communications in relation to our products and services, and such communications may be based on the commercial profile developed in relation to your consumption habits, use of our services and navigation through our website.

Processing for human resources management:
(i) Developing personnel selection processes (ii) hiring personnel (iii) payroll (iv) training (v) application of the collective bargaining agreement (vi) management, planning and organization of work (vii) equality and safety in the workplace (viii) exercise and enjoyment of vacations (ix) termination of the employment relationship and all those necessary for corporate control.

Video surveillance
(i) To ensure the safety of a facility or people (ii) To ensure the proper performance of tasks in the work environment.

Supplier processing:
Managing the business relationship
If during the provision of the service the provider company and the data controller exchange data relating to the function or position performed of the natural persons providing services in those, when the processing refers only to the data necessary for their professional location and whose purpose of the processing is only to maintain relations of any kind with the one in which the affected person provides services; the company providing the data must comply with the duty of information indicating that the data will be transferred to the other party for the management of the contract on the basis of legitimate interest in accordance with Article 19 of Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights.



We process only the data necessary for each of the purposes identified above. For the
aforementioned purposes we will process the following categories of personal data:

Identification: Name, surname, DNI or NIE, social security number, address, telephone, e-mail, photographs and videos.

Personal: Date and place of birth, age, marital status, family data.

Academics and training: Academic record, training and qualifications.

Professional and employment: Experience in the professional world, category or position

Data on union affiliation, membership of a works council or union grouping.

Economic-financial: Bank details, income, income, credits, loans, guarantees, pension plan, retirement.



The legal bases that legitimize the indicated treatments are the execution of the contract, the
fulfillment of a legal obligation, the user’s consent and the legitimate interest.



We only retain users’ personal data to the extent that we need it in order to use it for the purpose for which it was collected and in accordance with the legal basis for its processing.
We will keep the personal data as long as there is a contractual and/or commercial relationship with the user, in compliance with a legal obligation for the time indicated by law. Personal data provided for marketing purposes will be kept as long as the user does not exercise the right of deletion, opposition to the processing of their data, revocation of consent, or when PERSEPOLIS INVESTMENTS S.L. considers that they are no longer necessary to develop commercial actions, either because they are not adequate, relevant or outdated.

In any case, PERSEPOLIS INVESTMENTS S.L. reserves the right to keep the data properly blocked, without giving any use, while they may be necessary for the exercise or defense of claims or may arise some kind of judicial, legal or contractual liability of its treatment, which must be addressed and for which recovery is necessary.

PERSEPOLIS INVESTMENTS S.L. will comply with the provisions of current regulations regarding the duty to delete personal information that is no longer necessary for the purpose or purposes for which it was collected, blocking it, in order to be able to meet the possible liabilities arising from the processing of data, and only during the statute of limitations of such liabilities. Once these periods have elapsed, this information will be definitively deleted by means of secure methods.



In order to provide you with the services you have requested from us, we may engage service providers who may have access to your personal data, such as marketers. In the event of a transfer of data, you will be duly informed in advance. In any case, you can be assured that we take all reasonable steps to obtain commitments from our suppliers to treat your personal data with the same level of protection with which we treat them and to have signed appropriate contracts for access on behalf of third parties (processor).

Legal compliance and security.
It may be necessary to disclose your personal data if we are compelled to do so for reasons of public order, law enforcement or other matters of public importance, to the extent that disclosure is necessary or appropriate and we are required to do so by the competent authorities. Where legally permitted, and to the extent practicable, we will inform you prior to such disclosure.



The interested party may, at any time thereafter, exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, portability, limitation of processing and not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, under the terms established in the regulations on data protection at all times in force. The way to exercise these rights will consist of sending a request to PERSEPOLIS INVESTMENTS S.L. to our email address established for this purpose:, specifying the right you wish to exercise. Also, the interested party may seek protection before the Spanish Data Protection Agency ( by filing a complaint or claim.

The user will respond, in any case, of the veracity of the data provided, PERSEPOLIS INVESTMENTS S.L. reserves the right to exclude from the services to any user who has provided false data, without prejudice to other actions that may apply in law. The user is responsible for communicating any changes in the personal data provided.



We do not carry out international data transfers, however, if in some cases, due to the nature of the service, international transfers were necessary, we would implement measures to ensure that the personal data transferred would benefit from an adequate level of protection and we would adopt the appropriate safeguards.

10. Notifications.

All notifications and communications by the user to PERSEPOLIS INVESTMENTS S.L. will be considered effective, for all purposes, when addressed in any of the following ways:

E-mail to the following address:

All notifications by PERSEPOLIS INVESTMENTS S.L. to the user will be considered effective when made in any of the following ways:
Sending by postal mail to the user’s address when this has been previously notified to PERSEPOLIS INVESTMENTS S.L.
Sending by e-mail to any of the e-mail addresses that the user has previously notified to PERSEPOLIS INVESTMENTS S.L.
Communication by means of a telephone call to the user’s telephone number, when this has been previously notified to PERSEPOLIS INVESTMENTS S.L.
Through pop-up messages sent during the provision of services by PERSEPOLIS INVESTMENTS S.L. to the user.

In this sense, all notifications made by PERSEPOLIS INVESTMENTS S.L. to the user will be considered validly made if they have been made using the data provided by the user and through the means indicated above. To these effects, the user declares that all the data provided by him are true and correct, and undertakes to communicate to PERSEPOLIS INVESTMENTS S.L. all the changes related to the notification data.



The COOKIES POLICY of is determined by the provisions of the COOKIES POLICY document.



THE LEGAL NOTICE of is determined by the provisions of the LEGAL NOTICE document.